Package-level declarations


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abstract class KotlinGenerator(val document: Document, val shapeIndex: ShapeIndex, val typeRegistry: KotlinTypeRegistry, val options: KotlinGenerator.Options) : Generator

Generator for Kotlin language framework targets

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class KotlinJAXRSGenerator(val document: Document, val shapeIndex: ShapeIndex, val typeRegistry: KotlinTypeRegistry, val options: KotlinJAXRSGenerator.Options) : KotlinGenerator

Generator for Kotlin/'JAX-RS 2' interfaces

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data class KotlinResolutionContext(val unit: BaseUnit, val shapeIndex: ShapeIndex, val suggestedTypeName: ClassName?) : ResolutionContext
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class KotlinSundayGenerator(val document: Document, val shapeIndex: ShapeIndex, val typeRegistry: KotlinTypeRegistry, val options: KotlinSundayGenerator.Options) : KotlinGenerator
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class KotlinTypeRegistry(val defaultModelPackageName: String, generatedAnnotationName: String?, val generationMode: GenerationMode, val options: Set<KotlinTypeRegistry.Option>) : TypeRegistry