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Common Kotlin Target Features

The following features are supported by all Kotlin code generation targets.

Generated Types


RAML built-in scalar types are mapped according to the following table.

RAML Type Kotlin Type
any Any
boolean Boolean
number / integer Numerics
string String
date-only java.time.LocalDate
time-only java.time.LocalTime
datetime-only java.time.LocalDateTime
datetime java.time.OffsetDateTime
file ByteArray
nil Unit


RAML number and integer types are mapped to one of Kotlins's numeric types based on the format facet.

Format Kotlin Type
int Int
int8 Byte
int16 Short
int32 Int
int64 Long
long Long
float Float
double Double


For each RAML type that is an object or where the root of the inheritance tree is an object a Kotlin class or interface is generated.

Model Classes

When the generation of model implementations is enabled (Implement Model Classes - Type Generation Option) a POJO class is generated for each required type that supports copying, equals/hashcode, toString, etc.

Example Class Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API


    type: object
      name: String
      value: integer

Generated Kotlin Class

public class Item(
  public val name: String,
  public val value: Int,
) {
  public fun copy(
    name: String? = null,
    value: Int?? = null,
  ) = Test(name ?:, value ?: this.value)

  public override fun hashCode(): Int {
    var result = 1
    result = 31 * result + name.hashCode()
    result = 31 * result + value.hashCode()
    return result

  public override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
    if (this === other) return true
    if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

    other as Test

    if (name != return false
    if (value != other.value) return false

    return true

  public override fun toString() = ""${'"'}
  | value='${'$'}value

Why not data classes?

The generator currently does not gnerate Kotlin data classes to ensure easy support for generating type hierarchies. Similar features to those of data classes are generated for each class.

Model Interfaces

When the generation of model implementations is disabled (Implement Model Classes - Type Generation Option) interfaces are generated for each required types.

Example Interface Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
      name: String
      value: integer

Generated Kotlin Interface

public interface Item {

  public val name: String
  public val value: Int


Simple Objects

RAML types that are "simple" objects (where no properties facet is defined) are mapped to Kotlin maps (i.e. Map<String, Any>). They are generated inline and no type aliases are generated.

Example Simple Object Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    map: object

Generated Kotlin Class (simplified)

public class Container(
  public val map: Map<String, Any>

Pattern Objects

RAML types that only contain pattern properties (i.e. property names defined by regular expressions) are mapped to Kotlin maps with the key as a string and the value as the type specified in the pattern (e.g. Map<String: Int>). They are generated inline and no type aliases are generated.

Example Pattern Object Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
      //: integer

    map: MapOfInts

Generated Kotlin Class (simplified)

public class Container(
  public val map: Map<String, Int>

Jackson Annotations

The generator defaults to adding Jackson JSON serialization annotations to the generated classes and interfaces. This enables advanced JSON features (e.g. polymorphism, explicit naming, etc.) to be supported without editing the generated types or registering mixins.

Example Jackson Annotations Generation (Explicit Names)

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
      simple-name: string
      value: integer

Generated Kotlin Class

public class Item(
  public val simpleName: String
  public val value: Int

Example Jackson Annotations Generation (Polymorphism)

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
    discriminator: type
      type: string
      name: string

    type: Device
    discriminatorValue: phone
      hasGPS: boolean

    type: Device
    discriminatorValue: tablet
      isKeyboardAttached: boolean

Generated Kotlin Classes

  use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
  include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY,
  property = "type"
@JsonSubTypes(value = [
  JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "phone", value = Phone::class),
  JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "tablet", value = Tablet::class)
public abstract class Device(
  public val name: String
) {

  public abstract val type: String


public class Phone(
  name: String,
  public val hasGPS: Boolean,
) : Device(name) {

  val type: String get() = "phone"


public class Tablet(
  type: String,
  public val isKeyboardAttached: Boolean,
) : Device() {

  val type: String get() = "tablet"



The generation of Jackson annotations can be disabled via the Jackson Annotations - Type Generation Option.


Disabling Jackson will most likely require a custom (de)serialization implementation to support the full feature set.

Bean Validation Constraints

The generator defaults to adding Bean Validation Constraints to validate instance data as they are serialized/deserialized.

Example Validation Constraints Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
        type: string
        pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9]+
        type: integer
        minimum: 5
        maximum: 10

Generated Kotlin Class

public class Item(

  public val id: String,

  @Min(5) @Max(10)
  public val value: Int,


The generation of validation constraints can be disabled via the Validation Constraints - Type Generation Option


RAML array types are mapped to Kotlin's List type. They are generated inline and no type aliases are generated.

Example Array Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: string

    type: array
    items: Item

    items: Items

Generated Kotlin Class (simplified)

public class Container(
  public val items: List<String>


RAML union types are mapped to the "nearest common ancestor" of all individual types in the union, if one exists, in all other cases the union is mapped to Kotlin's Any type.

Example Union Generation (Common Aancestor)

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    type: object
    discriminator: type
      type: string
      name: string

    type: Device
    discriminatorValue: phone
      hasGPS: boolean

    type: Device
    discriminatorValue: tablet
      isKeyboardAttached: boolean

    type: (Phone | Tablet)

    type: object
      device: UnionOfAllDevices

  1. Inline union of types with a common ancestor.

Generated Kotlin Class (simplified)

public class Container(
  public val device: Device

Generated Problem Types

For each problem defined & referenced using Sunday's problem annotations, a Kotlin Exception class is generated. Generating exceptions allows servers to throw a specific problem and clients to catch specific problems.

Custom properties can be defined for problem types and they are added as simple Kotlin properties on the generated exception class.

Example Problem Generation

RAML Type Definition

%RAML 1.0
title: Test API

    status: 400
    title: Invalid Id
    detail: The id contains one or more invalid characters
      offendingId: string

Generated Problem Exception Class

public class InvalidIdProblem(
  @JsonProperty(value = "offending_id")
  public val offendingId: String,
  instance: URI? = null,
  cause: ThrowableProblem? = null
) : AbstractThrowableProblem(TYPE_URI, "Invalid Id", Status.BAD_REQUEST,
    "The id contains one or more invalid characters.", instance, cause) {
  public override fun getCause(): Exceptional? = super.cause

  public companion object {
    public const val TYPE: String = ""

    public val TYPE_URI: URI = URI(TYPE)

Generator Options

In addition to the options supported by all code generations targets, this target also supports the following options:

Default Package Name

Specifies the default Kotlin package name for model types and service types.

CLI Option Gradle Plugin Properties Type Default
-pkg pkgName string None
Default Model Package Name

Specifies the default Kotlin package name for model types.

CLI Option Gradle Plugin Properties Type Default
-model-pkg modelPkgName string None


If not specified the value specified in -pkg is used.

Default Service Package Name

Specifies the default Kotlin package name for service types.

CLI Option Gradle Plugin Properties Type Default
-service-pkg servicePkgName string None


If not specified the value specified in -pkg is used.

Type Generation Options

Enable/Disable Kotlin type generation options.

Supported Options
Implement Model Classes
Enables or Disables implementation of model classes
Jackson Annotations
Enables or Disables generation of Jackson annotations
Validation Constraints
Enables or Disables generation of bean validation annotations
CLI Option Gradle Plugin Properties Type Default
-disable implement-model disableModelImplementations boolean enabled
-disable jackson-annotations disableJacksonAnnotations boolean enabled
-disable validation-constraints disableValidationConstraints boolean enabled